Master Class

Broaden your understanding of financial fitness...

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

My husband DJ and I really started applying the principles of the Financial Fitness Program in November of 2014. We started our debt snowball by selling a costly truck and purchasing an old van for cash and applying that payment to the snowball. Then, we decided to ramp things up and we sold a rental home and a duplex that we owned. Using the equity from that, we paid off about $230,000 worth of debt and have the lowest monthly expenses we have ever had in our marriage. We also have two months of expenses saved up. Unfortunately, we still have a student loan and a credit card left, but with the money and knowledge we now have, those debts will be gone before we know it!!
Melissa Berezay

We have officially paid off all of our consumer debt outside of our mortgage in the last 6 months. That’s about $40,000! During those 6 months we also had to replace our stove and refrigerator, make major repairs to our furnace, and my husband was out of work for medical reasons without pay for 10 days. We never would have made it through all of that and eliminated our debt if it wouldn’t have been for the information we learned from the Financial Fitness Program.
Danny and Stephanie Homann

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